Dhayl al-Muddáā li Aĥsan al-Wiáā li Ādāb ad-Duáā A Desirable Supplement for: The Beautiful Receptacle on the Etiquette of Prayer Mawlānā Naqī Álī Khān (Alahazrat's father) has written a book on supplication, the etiquette and essence of prayer and causes for prayers to be accepted or rejected titled Aĥsanu’l Wiáā. Alahazrat wrote a commentary on this book and has mentioned some insights that are not even found in classic duáā manuals like ...
Read MoreTamhīd e Īmān ba Ayat e Qur'an The Preamble to Faith A passionate appeal to Muslims to shun those who disrespect and insult the Messenger ﷺ and to remember that the basis of faith is love and respect of RasūlAllāh ﷺ. The verses of Qur’ān, which exhort Muslims to love the Prophet ﷺ and to sever relations with those who attempt to diminish his lofty stature, are cited and explained beautifully; statements ...
Read MoreAl-Malfūż (in Four Volumes) The Dicta A collection of sayings of Alahazrat in various gatherings collected and compiled by his younger son Mawlānā Muşţafā Riđā Khān in four parts. These sayings are mainly answers to questions on various topics containing numerous ĥadīth, verses, tafsīr, finer points of fiqh, insights in uşūl al-fiqh and uşūl al-ĥadīth, opinions on taşawwuf, doctrine and anecdotes. In all, there are 610 questions and the answers contain ...
Read MoreAl-Mustanad al-Mútamad Binā' Najāti'l Abad The Reliable Document: A Foundation for Everlasting Salvation A marginalia on the work Mútaqad al-Muntaqad of Shaykh Fadl ar-Rasūl Badāyūnī, one of the foremost Sunni scholars who refuted Ismāýīl Dihlawī. It is in this marginalia that Alahazrat issued the ruling of kufr on certain Deobandī scholars, and it is an extract of this fatwā which was presented to the scholars of the two sanctuaries, who affirmed ...
Read MoreAl-Amn wa’l Úlā li Nāýiti al-Muşţafā bi Dāfiý al-Balā’a Safety and Sublimity for praising Muşţafā as the Remover of Affliction A specific salawat known as the Durūd Tāj is well-known and widely recited in the subcontinent. Rashīd Gangohī and other Deobandīs claimed that it contained statements of polytheism because it includes the phrase ‘Remover of Affliction’ referring to RasūlAllāh ﷺ. Alahazrat refuted this by quoting nearly 60 verses and more than 200 ...
Read MoreFatāwā al-Ĥaramayn bi Rajafi Nadwati'l Mayn Rulings of the Two Sanctuaries Quaking the Foundations of Deceptive Assembly A collection of fatāwā refuting the Nadwah and its conglomerate of assorted heretics: Wahabīs, Rāfīđīs and Naturalists. This association was formed to unify Sunni scholars, but instead turned out to be a quasi-perennialist[1] society. Alahazrat and many other Sunni scholars distanced themselves from it and refuted the Nadwah after the first conference revealed its true ...
Read MoreFatāwā al-Āfrīqah[1] The African Rulings This is a collection of answers to 111 questions on various topics sent by Hājī Ismāýīl from South Africa[2], in three dispatches. The questioner (Haji sahib?) requested Alahazrat to include Urdu translations for all in-text citations and publish it in the form of a book for common benefit. This was published in 1336. [1] Al-Saniyyatu’l Anīqah fī Fatāwā Afrīqah [2] In Butha-Buthe, Basutoland, a former British colony. Basutoland gained ...
Read MoreAl-Dawlatu’l Makkiyyah bi’l Māddah al-Ghaybiyyah The Meccan Jubilation of Unseen Aid[1] A treatise on the extensiveness of the knowledge of the Prophet (peace be upon him) which Imam Ahmad Rida wrote in Makkah in less than eight hours, over two days, upon the request of prominent Makkan (Meccan) scholars, Shaykh Ismāýīl Khalīl and Shaykh Muĥammad Saýīd Bābuşayl. The two savants had requested Alahazrat to counter the objections raised by Wahābīs in the ...
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