Mustafa, the Best in Creation

Muşţafā! you are the best of creation Our benefactor in both worlds For the sake of your good ones, Maintain us, the bad ones Who then will we belong to - If you do not own us – do not care for us The sinners laugh (heedlessly) – but you, for them - Weep and sob the whole night The depraved, unrighteous commit crimes But you say: ‘May good fortune befall them’ We are the ones with ugly faces And you ...

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Mustafa, the Best in Creation

Muşţafā! you are the best of creation Our benefactor in both worlds For the sake of your good ones, Maintain us, the bad ones Who then will we belong to - If you do not own us – do not care for us The sinners laugh (heedlessly) – but you, for them - Weep and sob the whole night The depraved, unrighteous commit crimes But you say: ‘May good fortune befall them’ We are the ones with ugly faces And you ...

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