Taqi Usmani Lies

Mufti Taqi Usmani resorted to lies and slandered Alahazrat when asked about the reasons for takfir of Deobandi elders. https://archive.org/details/Fatawa-Usmani-By-Mufti-Taqi-UsmaniSee here for a Deobandi's translation of the fatwa: https://www.deoband.org/2010/07/theology-rulings/a-query-regarding-the-barelwis/These are all lies which will be refuted. Check this page after a while.

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Nadawi’s Lies

Among the earliest bald faced lies about Imam Ahmad Rida Khan was that by Abu'l Hasan Ali Nadawi in Nuz'hatu'l Khawatir. https://archive.org/details/waq43664 This book is a biographical dictionary of scholars in the subcontinent compiled by his father Sayyid Abdu'l Hayy, to which the Nadawi son (Ali Miyan) appended the last volume in which he wrote about scholars of the 13th and 14th century.These are all lies which will be refuted. Check this ...

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Dr. Israr’s Lies

Dr. Israr Ahmad has lied in this clip and attributed a lie to Imam Ahmad Rida Khan. Apparently, he did not correct it even after being informed (according to Mirza Engineer). See at time 2:00Alahazrat never wrote this sheyr. This was falsely attributed to Alahazrat by Ihsan Ilahi Zaheer (another shameless liar) and others keep repeating this lie. Even Mirza Engineer (who has made a few false allegations himself) has ...

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