Fatawa Afriqah
Fatāwā al-Āfrīqah[1]
The African Rulings
This is a collection of answers to 111 questions on various topics sent by Hājī Ismāýīl from South Africa[2], in three dispatches. The questioner (Haji sahib?) requested Alahazrat to include Urdu translations for all in-text citations and publish it in the form of a book for common benefit. This was published in 1336.
[1] Al-Saniyyatu’l Anīqah fī Fatāwā Afrīqah
[2] In Butha-Buthe, Basutoland, a former British colony. Basutoland gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1966 and was renamed Kingdom of Lesotho, which is now a sovereign country as an enclave within the Republic of South Africa.